Archive for the ‘Events Update!’ Category


Had a special Menu created by Chef Alvin and his team assisted by the Charming General Manager of the restaurant. A true experience of food tasting for our clients. Thank you once again.

A night of canapes, beer, wines and great people:)




Thank you for the compliments and I hope you guys had fun with us!



  • Dennis’ passion in diamonds
  • Kelvin – Lawyer turned Diamond Entrepreneur



  1. Strong Demand from Emerging Markets
  2. Consistent Appreciation in Value
  3. Diamonds vs Gold
  4. Supply vs Demand
  5. Status Symbol / Controlled Product / Portability
  6. Understanding the 4 Cs


In the world of financial instruments, people are familiar with banks and fixed deposits. But in the world of precious stones, and especially diamonds, there had never been a ‘banking system’ that allows investors to generate regular returns or ‘interest’ on those precious assets.

Investors in precious stones or diamonds are almost always limited to the arena of auction houses and sporadic pools of private collectors to sell their investments for capital gains, which are non-guaranteed. There had also never been a marketplace that provides ready liquidity for the savvy investor to liquidate his or her holdings with certainty of capital protection plus a decent return on investment.

To us, such state of affairs is hardly befitting the true investment value of precious assets like diamonds. We have therefore created the World’s First Diamond Investment Depository that pays out fixed returns over the deposit period for all diamonds purchased from us on our investment plan – in other words, the World’s First Diamond Bank !

The concept is simple – When you put your money in a fixed deposit with a bank, you earn interest over the deposit period. Similarly, when you deposit with us the diamond which you purchased from us, we will pay you fixed returns over the deposit period and, at the end of the deposit period, you have the legal right (not obligation) to sell the diamond back to us at the same price you had initially purchased from us.

In addition to being the World’s First Diamond Bank, we are also the World’s First Diamond Rental Company !

Of course, if you just wish to purchase a top quality diamond with ‘no frills attached’, but simply to set into jewellery, we have craftsmen and designers to help you customise your jewellery to suit your taste.

For more information on our investment plan and diamond rental plan, please join us for An Evening of Dazzling Enchantment !!!

Genesis-Global welcomes all diamond investors on this exciting and rewarding journey of diamond investments.